Data Archive
Astronomical data obtained using the OAO 188cm telescope become open for astronomical community after two years from the time of observation, through SMOKA (Subaru-Mitaka-Okayama-Kiso-Archive) which is operated by Astronomical Data Center (ADC) of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
Currently, data obtained by HIDES (optical high-dispersion spectrograph), ISLE (near-IR imager / spectrograph), KOOLS (optical low-dispersion spectrograph and imager), OASIS (near-IR imager / spectrograph, former to ISLE), and SNG (optical low-dispersion spectrograph, 1991-2001) are available.
We strongly encourage astronomers all over the world to utilize the archived data. If you have questions on any specific instrument, contact either the instrument PI or web master (oao-webmaster [at] Question regarding to SMOKA should be directed to data_center [at]