KOOLS: Kyoto Okayama Optical Low-dispersion Spectrograph

KOOLS offers two basic observing modes, imaging and long-slit spectroscopy, in optical wavelength (currently 4000A-8000A) for the OAO 188cm telescope.

This instrument is based on the Kyoto 3D spectrograph (Kyoto-3D1; Ohtani et al. SPIE, 3355, 750 (1998); Ishigaki et al. PASJ, 56, 723 (2004)). CCD and motor drives were upgraded in 2004-2005 by Dr. T. Hattori. In 2007, a pulse-tube cryocooler was installed for cooling CCD.

From 2008A (2008/01-) KOOLS is open to common use as a PI-type instrument on a shared-risk basis. Applicants who want to use the instrument should contact Dr. Iwata (ikuru.iwata [at] nao.ac.jp) prior to the submission of the proposal.

[Note 2015/10/01] It was decided that the open-use operation of KOOLS with OAO 188cm telescope will be terminated by the end of March, 2017.

KOOLS page by Dr. Hattori